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📌 Notification position

🎛 Changing position

You can change the position of the notifications displayed on the screen.
There are seven possible options to choose from:

  • top - at the top of the screen
  • top-right - at the top right of the screen
  • top-left - at the top left of the screen
  • center - at the middle of the screen (y-axis)
  • bottom- at the bottom of the screen
  • bottom-right - at the bottom right of the screen
  • bottom-left - at the bottom left of the screen

The default setting for the notificationPosition is the top value.

Depending on whether you want to change the notification position for the whole app or only change it for a certain notification, you can either:

Set the position for all notifications in the global config object:

import React from 'react'
import { SafeAreaView, Text } from 'react-native'
import { createNotifications } from 'react-native-notificated'
import { styles } from './styles'

const { NotificationsProvider, useNotifications } = createNotifications({
notificationPosition: 'center',

export const ExampleNotification = () => {
const { notify } = useNotifications()

return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<NotificationsProvider />
onPress={() =>
notify('error', {
params: {
description: 'This is where the toast text goes. ',
title: 'Error',
Emit error

Now all the notifications in the app will be displayed in the middle of the screen (y-axis) because we have set the notificationPosition value for the center.

Set the position locally inside config object in a single notification instance:

import React from 'react'
import { SafeAreaView, Text } from 'react-native'
import { createNotifications } from 'react-native-notificated'
import { styles } from './styles'

const { NotificationsProvider, useNotifications } = createNotifications({
notificationPosition: 'center',

export const ExampleNotification = () => {
const { notify } = useNotifications()

return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<NotificationsProvider />
onPress={() =>
notify('error', {
params: {
description: 'This is where the toast text goes',
title: 'Error',
config: {
notificationPosition: 'bottom',
Emit error

Now, all the notifications in the app (instead of this one error notification in the example above) will be displayed in the middle of the screen (y-axis).
But the error notification from the example above will be displayed at the bottom of the screen because the local config overwrites the global config.
Of course, we can just set it locally, there is no need to set it globally if we don't need to.
(You can read more about props overwriting in the ORDER OF SETTINGS OVERWRITING section)

🔦 Position config priority

For each subsequent notification, the library looks for a notification position in the following order:

  1. First, it looks for a config defined in notify payload
  2. Secondly, it looks for a global config from createNotification
  3. At last, when no config is found, it uses the default behavior, which is top